青苹果 姚晨凌潇肃家庭教师96 第1集



“那个混蛋可以提炼两个颗粒。小子,你在一炉中可以制造多少个颗粒?” 陆玉川问。这是陈翔第一次听到这样的事情。当然,他知道这些药丸不容易精制,所需的成分也必须非常特殊。白友友没有立即回答,实际上是在考虑中。显然她正在考虑下注,但是由于她不是炼金术士,因此在百次尝试之前,她不确定陈翔是否会成功。陈翔周围有二十多人。看着他们的着装,陈翔知道他们来自城市领主宅邸。他只是没想到在城门口的警卫们的眼睛如此凶恶,实际上就能看穿自己的伪装,这就是为什么他暗中跟随他,并趁机在他不看的时候突围而出。 。This was also the reason why a few disciples of Icy Wind Valley were lured to join the Divine Devil Cult at that time. Furthermore, after entering, they would definitely be imprinted with gods and devils, controlled by the Divine Devil Cult, and wouldn't be able to control themselves."I need to refine some Destruction Ice seal Dan. When necessary, I can deal with a large group of people." Chen Xiang thought for a moment, this was the only thing he could do. He was a Alchemist, using pills to strengthen himself was the usual method used by the Alchemist.It was just that while other people had raised their own cultivation, Chen Xiang had refined that kind of terrifying destructive Ice seal Dan. A small pile of profoundbing powder could create a destructive Ice seal Dan that could destroy a huge city.Chen Xiang found a quiet place, it was a mountain cave, this kind of 姚晨凌潇肃家庭教师96cave was very common in Devil Continent, and they would need a few Spar to stay in it.The formations used by the Devil Continent were very crude, and Chen Xiang had to modify it himself inside the cave to prevent noise outside. This mountain range was where the Devil Cultivator s gathered, and these Devil Cultivator s were not only born and bred in the Chen Martial Continent, there were also from the Devil Realm. This place was also a place that posed a great threat to the Chen Martial Continent, so after he returned, he had to make sure that other powers were not alerted.Chen Xiang was already familiar with the way to refine the Destruction Ice seal Dan, furthermore, he did not need to use the Foreseeing Alchemy, he only needed to use the Heavenly Alchemy, and he also had many high leveled profoundbing, which could be used to refine for a very long time.Although the majority of the profoundbing he plundered from the Fire Divine Palace s were relying on their superior strength, none of them had treasures inside. Those were hundreds or thousands of profoundbing, but he didn't have a single one.After three days, Chen Xiang had refined dozens of pills. He did not have time to refine powerful supe姚晨凌潇肃家庭教师96r Ice seal Dan, he had only refined a few high quality destructive Ice seal Dan. If a large group of people besieged him, these Ice seal Dan would help him escape easily.The old man and the young lad that were slapped out by the Divine Devil Cult did not die, but they were still imprisoned inside the square cauldron. As long as they did not die, their life origin orbs would not shatter, and the Divine Devil Cult did not know that two of their higher status had already died, so the Divine Devil Cult would not be so cautious, and it would be much easier for Chen Xiang to take action.Chen Xiang arrived outside the Soul Captivating Mountain. It was deathly silent, and at dusk, it looked extremely eerie. From time to time, a gust of cold wind would blow, and the caws of the crows would cause people's hair to stand on end.He was not afraid at all of anything that could hook one's soul, because he knew that it was done by the people of the Divine Devil Cult. Furthermore, he had turned into a flying bug, and based on the memories he had obtained, he flew towards the direction of the Divine Devil Cult where Di Tian was hiding.Chen Xiang flew within the forest and quickly found the familiar road that he plundered from his memories. However, there were a few people walking slowly in front of this road."Isn't that old man's aura from Devil Race?" Long Xueyi said in shock, a person from the Devil Race actually appeared here. After hearing everything, Li Baojun, Duan Chong and the others immediately started to laugh maniacally."You are of the Dragon clan, how many powerful dragons have you killed? Our Dragon Subduing School's elders have killed an Emperor Dragon Guard in front of the Prince Imperial Dragon, have you ever killed them, I'm afraid you won't even dare to yell at the entrance of the Imperial Dragon Clan's dragon nest. You actually came all the way here from the Heaven Realm to act presumptuously, did you get kicked in the head by a donkey or had your head pinched by the door?"The matter of the White Tiger killing the Emperor Dragon Guards that day had indeed caused quite a big commotion. Most likely, even the people from the Heaven Realm knew about it, so everything Chen Xiang said was true."With their stupid brains, donkeys won't even bother kicking them." Duan Chong laughed.They knew that the Emperor Dragon Guards had been killed, that was why they sent people over to discuss the truth. But after they arrived, they found out that the Dragon Subduing School's Leader was sealed up by the Fire Divine Palace, and that it was a seal made by an Immortal King. The seal formation they used was also very powerful, and it was very famous in the Heaven Realm.They did want to take advantage of the fact that the Dragon Subduing School was no longer here and occupy the Dragon Subduing School, but they could not figure out the specific strength of the Dragon Subduing School, so they decided to make a ruckus and see if a strong person could come out.From the discussions of the crowd, they knew that the elder who had just come out was a very powerful alchemist. However, in their eyes, he was just like a mortal, with not a single trace of Innate Qi.After Chen Xiang's dantian went through a large scale fusion process, a bizarre change occurred. The dantian was surrounded by a grayish-black aura, so the Innate Qi inside would not leak out. Forget about the other party, even Long Xueyi could not feel the Innate Qi's fluctuations."Let me deal with these three guys. I want to see how they destroy the dragon." Long Xueyi suddenly said, causing Chen Xiang to be slightly startled, and Long Xueyi immediately left the ring.Then, a white light shot over from the distance, releasing a very dangerous aura. Especially that extremely strong Dragon Power, it made people feel that what was flying over was a super dragon, and the ground also crumbled due to the white light. In that instant, the place where the white light passed by, became as deep as a dried up river.This is Long Xueyi, she had immediately went to the Evil Dragon Graveyard just now and flew over from there, making people think that she came out from the Evil Dragon Graveyard.That domineering aura alone was enough to intimidate many people. It was as if they were facing a supreme expert that could be killed at any moment.However, what was surprising was that the person with such a strong aura was actually a woman. Although she was wearing a veil and a white skirt, just looking at her curvaceous back made one's imagination run wild.To think that there was such a powerful woman hidden in the Dragon Subduing School. Everyone felt that with her strength, she should be able to instantly kill that Dragon Slaying Clan member."You … "Who are you?" The old man from the Dragon Slaying Clan finally spoke, his voice carried incomparable shock, because Long Xueyi's Dragon Power was just too strong, as though it could crush heaven and earth. Furthermore, his body carried an extremely terrifying pressure, and the pressure not only caused ordinary dragons to feel fear, it also caused humans to tremble.Long Xueyi was half-veiled, and only the upper half of her face was revealed. However, it was already possible to see that she definitely had a beautiful face, and her pair of beautiful eyes, was enough to hook many men's souls.如果韩森真的能做到这一点,他的射箭技能简直就是她的想象力。 姚晨凌潇肃家庭教师96 韩森耸耸肩说:“除此之外,我想不出其他任何取胜方法。” 他已经浪费了太多时间,希望尽快见到他亲爱的女友。 司徒祥听到他承认这样做是有意的,便情绪激动地问学生:“你是怎么做到的?” 韩森随随便便地解释说:“这很容易。要把箭头敲开,最困难的部分就是确定箭头的轨迹。由于我们瞄准的是同一目标,因此很容易做出判断……”